Communication is important in all areas of school life and we are developing a Total Communication Approach.
This means we value all forms of communication including speech, signing and visual resources.
We have just purchased a new resource to use in our specific Communication lessons. This is called Talk Boost and will develop key skills for pupils to support them to:
Talk Boost covers a variety of areas.
In Primary
In Secondary
Pupils will have weekly lessons using the Talk Boost resources. However the learning will be included in all areas of school life.
As a school we learn a new Makaton sign (or signs) each week and practice them during form-time.
We also ran a competition for pupils to send in a video of them using Makaton. We had some amazing entries. Below is KS3 signing to the song "Happy". We also have some signing videos below by Miss Gotts, who uses Makaton with the younger, non-verbal pupils.